New photos with Amy Walek


Amy Walek is a friend of mine who recently started modelling for local photographers. She often helps out at our experimental Töad Meädow Arts Collective and attended our big annual party that we threw in July, 2019.

At the party, we had a fire sculpture that I made way back in 2011. It’s called Untitled Fire and it has rustled some jimmies at various Burning Man-affiliated festivals because some people considered it anti-Christian. Other people objected for other reasons. A lot of people have found a lot of reasons to dislike Untitled Fire, but I think it looks pretty damn metal, if you ask me.

Anyways, Amy was dressed in a killer outfit and looking great, so we did an impromptu photoshoot using the firelight from the sculpture to light the pictures.

I think my favorite among these is the one with her silhouetted against the light from the sculpture. I haven’t posted it to my Instagram because I think it would look shitty on a tiny phone screen, but it looks cool as hell on a computer monitor and I bet would look really good printed on photo paper.

It’s reasons like this that you should join my mailing list for newest art. I take a lot of pictures that are very good, but that I do not post to social media for various reasons. This website is censorship-free and I will direct you to new art that I post. I send an email less than once per month, so it’s no big deal. You should sign up now for free.

Amy can be contacted through her facebook page.

A gentle nude

Woman's upper body

I’ve taken pictures of a lot of breasts, but this ranks in the top 1% of my favorites. Everything about it says “soft and feminine” to me. The soft focus, gently swooping hair, contours of the body, etc..

To me, it’s a sort of hybrid photo between a human body and a landscape picture. Anyways, I hope you like it.

Click the photo for larger breasts.

It’s reasons like this that you should join my mailing list for newest art. I take a lot of pictures that are very good, but that I do not post to social media for various reasons. This website is censorship-free and I will direct you to new art that I post. I send an email less than once per month, so it’s no big deal. You should sign up now for free.

Bubble Bath Relaxing with Wine and ???


Back in May, 2018, I got together with Christiana to do a series of pictures to raise awareness about water pollution with a sexy bubble bath twist. These were some other fun pictures we shot that day that do not fit into the rest of the series. So, enjoy these outtakes. I’m just now starting to work on editing the water pollution pictures. I expect that I’ll have them posted in a week or so.

Novel Lighting Practice (Scrim Photography)


A few months ago, I found some “scrim art” photos on Instagram that really impressed me.


Silhouette-style photos are also nice; the viewer gets to observe the outline of the human form without being distracted by unique details. But silhouette photos are common. I’d even say gimmicky and cliché (usually).

The scrim photography gave the best of both worlds: an appreciation for the overall form and its interplay between light and shadow, as well as a bit more detail of the model to really fuel the imagination.

This was my first experiment with this sort of lighting and I’m happy with the results. I will take many more like this. If you’re interested in modeling for such photos, please contact me. In your message, include a link to your social medias or modeling portfolio if you have one.

Introducing the Flaming Photo Frame


Almost a year ago now, I was looking at some pictures that I had taken at night using the light from my propane fire sculptures. I always liked the way the light flattered the face and skin of the subjects.

Christiana Oulette transfixed by the dancing fire on a section of the Flaming Photo Frame. 2018.

The large light source really softens the light and flatters the skin, and the warm color of the light is downright beautiful.

So I got the idea…why not build another piece of fire art, but this time, design it specifically for taking photographs?

So with the help of some friends on the drill press, we threw this together over a couple weekends in the workshop at Töad Meädow.

I designed it with 8 separate propane injection sites to allow me to control lighting ratios. That feature is not working how I want it to yet; the fire comes out pretty evenly all around the frame, but I am constantly upgrading it and hopefully will one day have that feature figured out.

It is also modular. This means I can add or remove sections to make it wide enough for group pictures and shorter if I am photographing shorter models.

It looks scary, but once you see the pictures that come out of it, all your fears will be forgotten.

Is she having second thoughts about the Flaming Photo Frame idea? 2018.


Social media

Most of my posting is on Instagram @damonhudacphoto. I’m also on Facebook, Steem and Flickr. My social media links are at the very bottom of every page of this website.


When drag queens read to children


On June 20, 2018, the public library in Olean, New York hosted a “drag queen reads to children” event. A man who claimed to be the “Region 2 Director” for the National Socialist Movement posted on Facebook that he would go to the library to protest along with some other National Socialists (Nazis). “Flo Leeta,” the drag queen, claimed that the library had received death threats and arson threats.

Lighting Studies


Until recently, almost all photos that I took only used available light. Then I found David Hobby’s excellent Strobist blog, as well as his 8-hour video course on lighting. Hobby’s work made it apparent that by only shooting in ambient light, I was missing out on a whole other aspect of photography. After some fits and starts with that material, I went to a 1-day studio lighting workshop at CEPA Gallery in Buffalo. After the CEPA class I’ve done some more sessions in my studio.

Here are some of my early efforts with artificial lighting.

Lighting with road flares: an experiment


I’ve been thinking lately about night shots with the only illumination coming from road flares.

It’s winter here now, with plenty of snow, and the contrast of having a model without little clothing on, in the blowing snow and holding a stick of chemicals burning at 2600° (1425° C) appeals to me. I find it sensual.