Say “No” with a smile
This background information is for the benefit of the people outside of my area who may not know what’s happening here.
Ever since the start of the virus panic 21 months ago, various rulers of New York State have imposed some of the toughest restrictions in the country. Now, after we had an an almost normal summer and fall, the county executive of Erie County (where the city of Buffalo is) issued a new edict mandating that everyone wear face masks in all public businesses. He further threatened his subjects with business closures and other punishments if the virus doesn’t stop doing virus things, like spread during cold and flu season.
Unlike last year, though, there are now a handful of businesses that are openly flouting the latest commandment. Additionally, the mayors of several towns inside Erie County have publicly said that they will disregard the new rules. Executives of Erie’s neighboring counties have also stated that they would not follow suit, and they think the Erie County executive is misguided.
I sympathize with small business owners who have their capital, passion and hard work tied up in their businesses and appreciate that they are willing to risk all of that to help end the virus panic. If “faced” with enough resistance (heh), it will be even harder for Erie County’s wannabe dictators to reimpose more draconian policies such as ordering people to stay home, forced business closures, etc..
All that to say, I know that these business owners in rebellion are risking the wrath of unhinged social media mobs, fines, legal expenses and loss of their life’s work. I’m making these friendly designs available as ready-to-print downloads with no strings attached. If you know a business owner that would like one of these to print, please tag them in the comments. We’re all in this together.
Until I get a fileserver for direct downloading set up, please email me with contact info and I will email you the printable files.
Friendly signs, ready-to-print, for your business
I will freely share all of the designs below. I have them formatted already so they are ready to print on standard 8.5×11″ paper. I also have the vector files that I used to make them if you want that to customize it further. Just ask.