Book Burning

This will be an ongoing series wherein I meditate on the shaping of public opinion and popular culture through the ancient and recurring practices of censorship, information control, destruction of knowledge and cultural genocide.

As the series progresses, I will burn books selected for the purpose of either causing  joy or dismay as you witness their destruction. Through these photographs, perhaps we can better understand the motivations of those people who wish to contain our freely-thought ideas — politicians, religious leaders and other demagogues.

Untitled (Book Burning 1). 2018.
Untitled #2 (Book Burning). 2018.
A Young Girl Burns Her First Book. 2018.
Burning Book. 2018.
Family burns their library to keep warm for the night. 2019.
Burning Carl Jung. 2018.
Book Burning Shall Continue. 2018.
A Dark Existence. 2018.
A stylized book on fire
Burning book. 2019.
Burned Book. 2018.

Purple haired model: Miranda Sevcovic


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